The Gaiacene vision

Gaiacene is a visionary geological epoch where humans thrive as stewards and beneficiaries of ecological abundance.

True ecological stewardship

The natural world offers not only material benefits but also spiritual enrichment. In Gaiacene both dimensions are equally recognised. When seen as a whole, we can more fully capture the completeness of benefits we can enjoy from nature.

Moreover, this comprehension frames ecological stewardship as a personal encounter. While we may indirectly reap material benefits, the emotional values can only stem from a direct and personal connection with the natural world, whether experienced in a forest, park or visual scenery.

This holistic perspective consequently nurtures stewardship grounded in individual drive, arising from direct appreciation for ecological abundance. Stewardship becomes personal.

Gaiacene Framework

Transforming light into wealth

The forever ongoing process of photo chemistry transforms sunlight into a physical format, enabling an abundance of life forms and valuable assets on Earth. We can turn this flow of positive value creation into human prosperity.

Nature’s unique value proposition

One might liken nature to a global company, a cooperative, refining raw matter into consumer goods and services by intelligent use of an infinite and free energy source, and where we as shareholders as well as consumers, enjoy the flow of goods and services generated.

Recognizing the dual benefits of nature

Because the natural world provides for humans both emotionally and physically, we can tap into and strengthen both benefits.

The Earth is an alchemist, and we are the beneficiaries.
— Cecilia Repinski, Founder Gaiacene Labs




E.g. Life, Photo synthesis, Light storage, Visible frequencies, Warmth, Energy, etc.


Crop production, Breathable air, Beauty, Medicine, Emotional wellbeing, Physical health, Timber, Spiritual connection, Climate mitigation, Climate adaptation, Flood protection, Awe, Happiness, etc.


E.g. Soil formation, Wild food, Genetic banks, Trees, Flowers, Colorful landscapes, Water purification, Nutrient cycling, Oxygen production, Pollination, Aquatic life, Terrestrial life, Water absorption, etc.

Theory of Change

① Bedrock of Gaiacene

Gaiacene begins with recognizing the dual benefits of nature: physical well-being and spiritual enrichment. Our Theory of Change originates in the intrinsic connection between the two. Together, they set a solid foundation for authentic socio-ecological stewardship.

  • Spending time in the natural world can cultivate feelings of tranquility and happiness, in some cases even awe, and help us, as individuals, to emotional healing.

    Simultaneously, we can nurture and amplify the physical benefits from nature that enable us to flourish and be safe materially.

    This holistic understanding is fundamental as it creates a genuine and personal starting point for ecological abundance that is anchored inside of us as individuals and builds a solid sustainable and regenerative future from the core.

② Rooting from the ground up

Socio-ecological agency is more likely to lead to true and lasting positive change when designed to serve the aspirations of local players. Rooting from the ground up is therefore fundamental for bringing the vision of Gaiacene to life.

  • A grassroots up approach calls for an appreciation of the smaller scale. At Gaiacene Labs, we believe in the power of small-scale initiatives because, when small is the outcome of local advocacy, it is more likely to generate significant impact.

    Gaiacene Labs therefore seeks out initiatives and efforts driven by households, local entrepreneurs, or communities, and that are replicable for new local contexts.

③ Tipping into higher order

Gaiacene Labs concludes that socio-ecological systems have the capacity for non-linear shift into higher order when exposed to positive influences. This builds the case for harnessing positive tipping points, brought by multiple islands of socio-ecological abundance able to upgrade an entire system.

  • Small-scale efforts of positive ecosystem stewardship may initially fall under the radar. However, together and, at a certain point, several smaller efforts can manage to transform an entire system into a significantly higher level of socio-ecological abundance.

    Gaiacene Labs operates according to this theory of change suggesting that small scale efforts, incentivized and rooted at the household or community level, can be the most successful for bringing the vision of Gaiacene to life.

  • Resilience theory concerns the dynamics behind ecosystems change from exposure to external factors. Initially, an ecosystem absorbs new influences but eventually reaches a point at which change occurs. This is known as the ecosystem’s threshold.

    Gaiacene Labs asserts that resilience theory is an opportunity to be harnessed, and that it can work for positive ecosystem change. At a point, positive influences will manage to push a system to a non-linear shift into higher order with more ecological abundance.